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Also Apple introduces 4000+ new API for iOS developers which give the benefits and can execute during application development. 

There can be no other thoughts to indicate the difficulty of mobile app development for any platform as each and every mobile application has unique design, functionality, platforms and architectural considerations. 

To attract an audience towards iOS mobile applications, iOS developers have to work hard to overcome hurdles between the path of success. 

Let’s check out what challenges developers face during the iOS app development.

Beta Users testing

It is advisable to release a beta version of a mobile app is the best way to test mobile app development. Using the beta version helps users to check the functionalities and find bugs and issues related to mobile apps. 

Beta version will help you to resolve all the bugs before releasing the final one which will help you to release mobile apps smoothly. Always remember that once the app is out, You will get just one chance to attract the users. 

Application Compatibility

Every year Apple releases different types of devices iPads and iPhones. It is necessary to make sure that mobile applications work smoothly on different devices.

It is easy to encounter the compatibility of iOS, unlike Android but there is a powerful process of iOS app development but the toughest part is to decide which version would support your mobile app. 

To identify the issues and bugs it is important to test your app with TaaS products. 

Limited Performance and Memory

It is important to memory as the Apple devices because it doesn’t come with the garbage collection functionalities so this is a big issue that app will be terminated if it becomes the source control.  

If you are thinking of developing mobile apps for only one version but there are many users who have different devices with the same versions. I.e If you are making to develop mobile games of large size then it requires a large amount of memory to store. 

In order to reach your mobile app to an appropriate audience it is necessary to take care of compatibility of the app to be working with different devices and different OS versions. 

Network Conditions

There are chances that your user may be in the lower speed connection and not using the same network speed as you. This point is not necessary for all the app developers but it is important for app developers who are implementing some rich media or video play functionality which uses the internet. You have to pass the test performed by Network Link Conditioners to get an idea of stimulating. 

Approval From App Store

You need to check all the rules and regulations before starting implementation of mobile app development which will help you to get approval of mobile app from app store so you can follow it while development and at the end it will save your time.

Currently 2 million apps are available on app stores so you are not the only one who is facing this kind of issue to enter into the app store. You can learn from rejection reasons of mobile apps and after some failures you will get success to approve your app on apple app store.  Some other reason for rejection is violation of rules which requires to follow while development of an app. You need to also check frequently the app store guidelines as Apple app stores are updating or adding some new rules in the guidelines. 


These are few challenges that are listed here in this blog but it might be possible that developers face many challenges like this. In order to handle these kinds of challenges, developers need to be mature enough to solve these kinds of challenges with minimum investment of time to make final products. You can get services from iOS App Development Company to overcome all listed challenges by their experience to launch mobile apps in Apple stores successfully. 

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